Secure, simple with successful results!

In September 2008, Europcar, the number one car rental company in Europe, announced the signing of a major strategic alliance agreement with Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the largest car rental company in North America. Together, Europcar and Enterprise offer a fleet of more than 1.2 million vehicles at more than 13.000 locations in about 150 countries to form the world's largest car rental network.

Your advantages

  • Buy direct, without the middleman
  • Registration is free
  • Buy cars from day to day
  • Save time and resources
  • Bid whenever you want, 24 hours a day

Our mission

Our mission is to provide a setting in which car sellers are connected to the largest array of car dealers at one time. Our task is to ensure a quick and professional trade at the market's best price.

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  • Detentia operate car auctions in other countries

Together, Europcar and Enterprise offer a fleet of more than 1.2 million vehicles at more than 13.000 locations in about 150 countries to form the world's largest car rental network.

Potřebujete pomoc?

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Phone: +43 1 270 02 11-0
Fax: +43 1 270 02 11-0

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